Evans Realty Blog
Evans Realty was established in 1985 and servicing the Treasure Valley for the past 39 years.
Ideas for More Storage

Whether you've just moved in and found out that you've got more stuff than places to stick it, or if you're just feeling crowded in your long time home there's no need to distress about space! We've put together some great ideas to help you make the most of your room and feel more comfortable in your home.

Change the Furniture
If budget allows consider getting all new furniture that might fit your space better. If not, look at what you have and how you might rearrange items within the space to increase flow.

Think Vertical
This is especially true in the kitchen where counter space is likely at a premium. Stack things, buy hooks to suspsend lesser used pans from the ceiling, and get creative in spacing things out.

Rotate Seasonally
You don't leave your Christmas tree out year round, right? So why leave so much of the seasonal stuff you're not using out to take up space?! Rotate items in a room based on whether they are being currently use; if not stash them away in the attic or garage until the time is right.

Clean Out
It's hard to admit, but one reason you may not have enough space is just because you have too much STUFF. Look through your items and consider if you really need them or if they're just being held on to and donate or trash them. You may be surprised to find it wasn't a lack of space that was the problem all along!

Being your chosen real estate agent means much more than just being around when you sign the paper work! We want to be life long advocates in your happiness - and that means helping down the road with homeowner questions too!

Reasons Why 2017 Is The Year To Buy!

There’s a lot of talk in the Idaho real estate market about how we’ve returned to a sellers market; why it’s very much true that it is a great time to sell there are a few good reasons why this year is also a great time to buy!

So much so that we’ve got to encourage you not to wait; here are three big reasons why you may want to consider buying a home before the year is out.

Rates Are Only Rising
Years ago a single digit mortgage rate seemed like an impossible dream. Last year mortgage rates bottomed out at 3.55% and the Federal Reserve decided to bolster this key rate; the rate went up to right at 4%. Over the next few years this trend is expected to continue and rates could be into the 6% zone by 2019.

Inventory Is Shrinking
It’s even made the national news! Available real estate inventory is low, especially here in Idaho! That means listings are moving fast and there’s no guarantee that the home you’re in love with will be available next week or next month. Experts agree this trend is likely to continue and chances are interested buyers will have even fewer homes to choose from next year than they do today.

Home Prices Are Still Going Up
This is one key reason why sellers who have been sitting on their investments are so happy – things are finally leveling out from the real estate bubble years ago. As we have yet to see a real ceiling for increase here in the valley this will most likely continue meaning that they best time to get the best price is very likely right now.

Whether you’ve been thinking about making a move for some time and just weren’t sure, or are looking to make a fast turn around in this liquid market it’s a great time to be in real estate! Our agents have the insight you’ll need to find the properties you want and make an informed decision – we hope that you will consider us when looking for the right agent to make things happen!

Tame the clutter!

The rains have come and the wind is blowing the fresh smells of a new season across the land…and that means Spring cleaning!

Yay. Right? Nobody looks forward to the work part of the process but everything sure is nice when it’s done and you can sit back and breathe in that crisp clean house smell.

We’ve put together a few quick but powerful tips to help you get ready for Spring without taking the spring out of your step!

Dust Off The A/C
Seasons change fast, and if you have central air it won’t be long before you’ll be wanting to turn it on to cool down. It’s a good idea to give the unit outside a good hose down and inspect it for any damage. Go ahead and change those air filters and turn the system on to make sure everything sounds right.

Do the Junkmail Jump
It’s a good time to review all those subscription and junk mail ads hitting the mailbox. Unsubscribing may not be the way you want to spend your Saturday but by the end of the year when the sales ads are really hitting you’ll be glad you did. It’s not a bad idea to take a look at your online subscriptions and bills in general as well…are there some things you’re paying for that you’re not even using? Cut them out!

Clean the Grill!
This one brings it’s own reward really. For many of us grilling season never really stopped so this may just be a matter of some light brushing off, but for everyone else go ahead and break out the wire brush and get things looking clean. Dump out old ashes and maybe even fire up a few burgers after you’re done – just to make sure it’s still “good”.

Brave The Deep Clean
Now is the time. Before Summer sports and the year really gets rolling, Spring is often the best time to go beyond your normal maintenance cleaning and go for the deep grime. Bleach the grout, wash down the baseboards, and do all the little things that make a big difference.

A good real estate agent wants to help long after the paper work is signed and helping you take care of the home you’re living in is just one part of that. If you’re looking for a home, or even looking to sell the home you’re in just get in touch!

Homeowner Summer Maintenance Tips

The Summer months will be fast upon us Idaho, so get the jump on those household tasks before they pile up and the heat is on!

Don’t panic! You’ve still got time and we’ve put together a quick checklist of items to help make getting those honey-dos under wrap before you really start to sweat.

Get The Grill Ready
Hey, it’s important! There’s nothing worse than having the meat and the charcoals and company on the way over only to discover your grill is filthy – or worse yet rusty or in need of real repair. So use this excuse to dust that Weber off early, fire it up for a test run, and clean out all those old ashes.

Check The A/C
You’re gonna need that air conditioning this Summer! If it’s been a while consider having it serviced by a professional. At the very least hose it off to clear it of dust and clear any debris from around the unit itself as well. Another good idea is to change the air filter inside your house also!

Wash The House
This goes for windows but also for your whole home as well. There’s been plenty of dust and grime blown in over the last few months; if you own a home with vinyl siding there are plenty of easy to use cleaners that will help get the place looking fabulous!

Beat Back The Bugs
All the creepy crawlies have been busy all Spring making their own little homes. You’ll want to be sure and keep them under wraps before Summer hits in full swing or you could be facing an invasion when temperatures heat up. Go around the perimeter of your home and knock down any visible nest from wasps or other bugs. Take a stroll through your attic or crawl space if you’re really motivated; consider pest barrier granules around your foundation to keep them out.

Tips For Relocating Seniors

idaho real estateFor many seniors the thought of finding a new home seems daunting to say the least.

In fact, it can be down right frightening depending on one’s situation. But it doesn’t need to be.

The thought of moving by itself can be troublesome, much less finding the right place with the right amenities, and the right price – thankfully your chosen real estate professional will be by your side to help you navigate the ever changing real estate market.

But before you start searching for a new place we’ve put together some things you may want to talk to your REALTOR® about before your move.

What is the demographic of the area?
It’s always good to know your neighbors and the community you will be calling home. As such make sure your area not only has the resources you require but also caters to your personal preferences as well, you may not want to be in a loud neighborhood that has a lot of traffic or that is near a playground.

What are the taxes and on-going costs?
The price of your new place may only part of the cost. Be sure to be aware of any homeowners association fees, utility costs, or community costs that may be part of the area you live in.

How safe is the area?
Your agent should be very familiar with where you will be moving. There is nothing more important than feeling safe where you live. Be sure to do a little homework on crime rates, or just ask outright what they know about the location.

How much home do I need?
Downsizing is common with seniors and so it’s a natural thing to consider how much house you really want. Better yet, how much home do you really need? You may not want or need a ton of space that will need extra upkeep. Talk to your agent about your goals and what your ideal space looks like to you.

The most important thing is to choose the right agent and communicate openly with them. Remember, they are there to help guide you through their experience towards the realization of your vision and that requires all the information you can provide.

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